Follow-up After the Conference

N°92 Special Edition, November 2014

SIS-RRI is an international Conference organized during the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and supported by the European Commission.
On November 19-21 the National Research Council (CNR) in collaboration with the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) will host the International Conference on “Science, Innovation and Society: achieving Responsible Research and Innovation”.  The conference locations will be the Auditorium Parco della Musica and the MAXXI-National Museum of XXI Century Arts.
The Conference will debate on how Responsible Research Innovation (RRI) can better engage society in research and innovation activities throughout the six following Key Areas:

  • Public Engagement
  • Gender Equality
  • Science Education
  • Ethics
  • Open Science
  • Governance

Six workshops sessions, exhibition areas, social and brokerage events will be carried out during the Conference with the participation of important stakeholders.
Il Caos Management publish a Special Edition to promote the Conference.

Il Caos Management participates to the Project of Quantum Creativity since the beginning and believes strongly in the real need of a radical and visionary discontinuity from the actual industrial civilization.


“Towards the knowledge society” by Prof. Luigi Nicolais, CNR’ President. A very clear exposition of where we are coming from and where we would like to go with the scientific and technological innovation. 

“Quantum Creativity: the Possibility for Human Super Cognition” by Niki Lambropoulos (University of Patras, Greece), Paolo Manzelli (EGOCREANET, Italy), Sze Chai Kwok (Santa Lucia Foundation, Italy), Vlad Koroli (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldova). Together to speak about the new paradigms, new frontiers about human creativity brain functionalities models as well as creativity models provide the space of afresh investigation and study.

“Developing a responsible research and innovation for change” by Paolo Manzelli (the human engine behind the initiative). To promote a culture of sustainability and social responsibility with a view to promote an open innovation disruptive and trans-formative communication in order to reshape the criteria of sustainable development of the future knowledge  society.

“De-industrializing scientific research” by Roberto Maffei. He writes about why the industrial approach to scientific research is showing clear signs of crisis.

“Science & Technology cannot be stopped” by Giuseppe Monti.  A clear analysis of the real effects the science and technological evolution can have where is known today as “a job”.

“Enhancing the Participation of Women in Scientific Endeavours” by Ben-Asher Zohar. Zohar says: there are factors that influence the level of gender distribution and inequality. And, thereafter, makes his proposal to change. 

“A better world to come (also for women)” by Laura del Vecchio. Describes the real situation of women in America, where she lives herself and has been paying attention to President Obama’s words.

“Environmental Governance: a synthesis between technological innovation and sustainable development” by Eugenio Campo. After the disaster of Lisbon, we are all hoping for the 21st World Conference to be held in Paris in December 2015.

“The Museum in the Economics of  Culture” by Luigi Campanella. The economical possibilities for culture if the museum production would be improved.

“Quantum Art for a Holistic Science” by Daniela Biganzoli. Why science has got so much responsibilities in front of the human being and mainly why it should change. 

“Ethic and Empathy are social” by Paolo Cervari. A clever and nice explanation of ethic and empathy useful to everybody.

“Looking with a child’s eyes” by Marisol Barbara Herreros. The innocence of a child sometimes could be clear, transparent and easy to follow, more than hundreds of written words.

“Share&Meet project” by Eugenio Luciani. Exposition of an international project in Africa done with Italian participation among others.

“La Dea Madre” by Vincenzo Porcasi. A special way of speaking of gender differences.

Enjoy reading it!

Marisol Barbara Herreros
Responsable Redazione


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