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Global competition, poverty network of the proximity
and social responsibility

The return of poverty, that id spreading itself along the banks of the Seine, Po and Duero rivers, has finally brought Europe to the consciousness of its delay comparative to the rest of the world, a delay that it cannot overcome because its products, as well as its services and machines, are often obsolete, unreliable and protected (as well pointed out by the Bolkestein Directive). Therefore, they are discriminative and unable to be really competitive in comparison with those provided by the rest of the world. In this respect, it is enough to mention the trend of the technological balance of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), as well as the one related to the professional movements. The problem is articulated around the production costs, the labour productivity and the products, often expensive, inadequate in terms of quality, insufficient in terms of quantity and uncompetitive within the realistic concept of a multiplied normal value of the product, which is to be linked to the spending capacity of the end-consumer within the production process, given the fact that there is now a single market - the global one - considerably superior to the standards of the internal market.

o all these one should add the fact that the alleged participative decentralisation designed by the European Charter of Local Self-Government has not led so far to that internal social dialogue that could be found at the basis of the co- administration experiences - developed at their time in Berlin, Belgrade and then in Moscow - as the recent events in Paris are significantly proving. The Paris of today gives one the shivers when thinking to the values expressed at the beginning of the Fourth Republic, with ministries of culture like Malreaux, who saw the human condition in China as being similar to the "negritude" - a human and poetical value, part of the French culture and civilisation - without therefore being in conflict with other civilisations that were coordinated with it. Within the information society, the medieval distances that existed until the naissance of the knowledge society no longer subsist, as proven by the UNECE conference of Tunis, in the sense that all seems to be teachable to everyone and the solution to be given to the most various and complex equations may be discovered in Osaka as well as in Tamanrasset.

But, in the same time, the distance that separates people in terms of capacity to satisfy their needs is continuously deepening and two models of society are now in competition: the purely capitalistic one, nowadays represented by the USA - oriented towards the exportation of its upper class together with its own form of government - and the one of solidarity - result of the three monotheistic religions. The Jewish solidarity is well known from the episode in which Joseph receives his brothers in Egypt and from the Evangelic one in which Mark speaks clearly of unfair richness.

In the same way, The Koran (S.LIX,V.7.), rejecting the class struggle and the accumulation of richness by a limited part of the community - as asserted by dr. Abdul Hadi Gafouri in his "Islam et économie: Réflexion sur les principes fondamentaux de l'économie islamique", Editions Al Bouraq, Beirut-Lebanon, 2000 - recognises the principle of free cooperation aimed to allow the achievement of the economic self- sufficiency and independence (pgs. 243 and 244, op. cit., inter alia). The rejection of violence and of the devastating effects of terrorism raises today the need to transform the present network of poverties in a series of Mediterranean opportunities. The boundaries to be overcome are two: energetic autonomy and full occupation of all productive factors, in an eco-compatible and sustainable way, in order to insure for this area a real common perspective of growth towards new forms of prosperity, which is to be safely shared within the framework of stability obtained through social dialogue and participation to the public affairs' management.

Energetic autonomy

The entire Balkan-Mediterranean area, which is the new "pan-economic European space", even if rich in energetic raw materials, is suffering from the endemic monoculture of oil and gas and of the relative prices, which make it impossible for the people in the area to benefit from the energy necessary to the development of their activities, to the heating of their homes or simply to their own mobility. Nevertheless, as long as the main problem of such economic area is the recovery of the productive activity and of the dignity of a significant part of the unemployed population and furthermore, the bringing of the eco-system back to a relation of compatibility with the environment, it might be necessary to initiate an active process of biomass production, in order to transform it in bio-diesel - used to produce electric power in electric power stations of local significance, that are also parts of a regionally shared electric system. But the new topic is the desirable creation of the project financing for micro leasing: the necessary machines for establishing the village electric power stations should be rented by the supplying enterprises, on the basis of a buy-back agreement, to the public or private managers of the energetic resources, for a figure up to 30% of the obtained income, in order to allow them to face up the long term amortization of the good. Then, a part of the obtained bio-diesel should be used as fuel for the agricultural machines and transportation vehicles, which are nowadays equipped to use even alimentary oils as carburant - as it is already well known.
