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Leonardo da Vinci Programme (D. Vasselli)

Leonardo da Vinci is a European Community programme which aims to support national training strategies through funding a range of transnational partnership projects aimed at improving quality, fostering innovation and promoting the European dimension in vocational training. It encourages collaboration between organisations involved in vocational training, aiming to improve the quality of training provision, develop the skills and mobility of the workforce, stimulate innovation and enhance the competitiveness of European industry.

Leonardo da Vinci provides funding for six types of project, or "Measure":

- Mobility: work placements and trainer exchanges;
- Pilot Projects: production of training materials to develop innovation & quality in training. (incl. Thematic Actions);
- Language Competencies : Production of vocationally-specific language learning materials;
- Transnational Networks: facilitating the transfer and exchange of experience and good practice;
- Reference materials : research and statistics;
- Joint Actions: collaborative projects with other European training programmes

Any public, semi-public or private organisation can apply for Leonardo funding - individuals do not apply directly. All applications must be supported by a partnership of European organisations.