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Balanced Scorecard inside Municipalities: the way to carry out a successful Governance Programme.

Nowadays lots of innovation have been yet arranged about administrative arrangement, most of which aimed at efficiency and saving power, within Italian Municipalities. In the common opinion setting up an integrated accountancy system which closely link together economical and financial aspects, is needed; this kind of action will allow Public Bodies to provide specific information about resources' use and to verify internal processes.
A further incentive to innovation should be founded on a greater workforce involvement. Local Bodies should begin to set up and utilize measurable objectives, as well as introduce outcomes measurement standards', which involve all the employees

In this context, assigning measurable objectives to various organizational units, complying with strategic and executive planning, is required, and Balanced Scorecard can support administrative Management to:

  • clarify vision and strategy proposed by the Major and the Municipal Committee;
  • communicate and connect objectives and strategic measurement one to each other;
  • strengthen outcomes' feedback and strategic knowledge of Public Bodies.