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Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction: Model ARCS

Among different theories closely linking up learning and motivation, there is a very interesting study published by J. Keller, that is Model ARCS. The author proposes four conditions; each of them can be subdivided in a sequence of categories and they should be implemented and countenanced, so that students can increase their motivation:
Attention: within this phase students’ interest and curiosity should be nourished and preserved, by spurring search;
Relevance: in order to increase motivation to learning by people attending a training course, a practical execution of theoretical aspects, that is real cases to be considered and easily linked with their everyday life for raising memory process, is required;
Confidence: improving his skills by learning process, every student should increase his self-assurance;
Satisfaction: Keller acknowledges two different kinds of satisfaction: that meant as making oneself wealthy and that given by the chance to make use of what one has learnt.

Barbara Ciani