Numero 75 Registrazione al tribunale di Roma N° 3/2004 del 14/01/2004

Fantastic Theory in quantum art and science (QARte program 2013) 25/Genn/2013


by Paolo Manzelli


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein

Quantum Art Program 2013 would explore new scientific imaginary starting from the revision of Chinese YIN//YANG ancient alchemy.
An artistic phantasy dominates the following speculation in quantum science and technology.
Today  “Yin //Yang” duality  can be seen as two signals composing a quantum bit to generate a model of Unified Quantum Science of Everything  (see the draft below ).




 <M> The first quantum signal (YANG) that is the foundation of condensed Energy  e.g. MATTER
<E> The quantum signal e.g.  the foundation of other forms of ENERGY.
<M> and <E>  are quantum  signals both composed  simultaneously with real wave and particle. They are distinguishable through a difference in the spitting of the quantum energy between the wave and the particle.  In <M>  there is mode condensed Energy on the particle( e.g.  heavy mass), instead in <E> the total quantum energy of the bit is more widespread on the associated wave ( e.g. lower mass) The two  quanta  <M> and <E>   can be “entangled”  forming four basic species of complex coupling.   Four of those coupling are the result of  the interference produced by type A) in the phase of type B) out of phase  of the waves; those fundamental coupling can differ as a result of various types of interactions between the particles. So that simplifying the complex probability we can reduce to observe the four output coming from the wave interferences between quantum bits.

  1. Constructive interference

+ <M,M>  this entanglement produces the formation  strings of MATTER including an heavy Mass.
+<E.E>  generation of an  simultaneously Information field of Energy  ( like : Gravity)

  1. Destructive Interference

< - M,E> = ( States of Negative Matter x E  ) produces a mutation  generating Anti- MATTER
<-E,M> = (States of Negative Energy  x M ) the result is the Zero point of Quantum Energy.

Besides an extension of such synthesis  will be made characterizing the various interaction of some types of quantum particles associated to the energy of the interfering waves. Different interactivity gives different characteristic of fields of energy; for instance those particles including different  electrically positive and/or  negative charges give as output al electric field of energy, and those having no electrical charge and no mass produces  the gravitational field . This extension to the quantum particles interactions  will lead to a complete of the FANTASTIC THEORY, and also it will assumes a  total value of integration of science and art within the framework of a unified theory of EVERITHING.

In conclusion  the above synthesis of “Fantastic Theory  in quantum art and science” is an artistic //Science vision  that give a quantum-meaning  of the thinking of Pythagoras and Galileo. Both in fact believed that the nature may be cognizable by abstract numbers. Similarly for the Fantastic Quantum Art & Science the numbers do not refer to the traditional signs but correspond to real quantum bit signals that are the basis of all the materials and energy existing in the Universe.



Paolo Manzelli:nato a Terni il 25/06/1937, Chimico Fisico (Laurea: Firenze 1967), Studioso della Chimica del Cervello sulla base delle relazioni tra Energia, Materia ed Informazione. Direttore del Laboratorio di Ricerca Educativa del Dipartimento di Chimica della Università di Firenze.
http;//, e Presidente della Associazione Telematica EGOCREANET;;;;