Numero 48 Registrazione al tribunale di Roma N° 3/2004 del 14/01/2004

Launch of a Think tank for change


di Paolo Manzelli


yyThink tank about seeing what we think and when we want to improve the quality of life in order to increase knowledge for surviving and evolving in contemporary human kind. Then the fundamental goal of the “Knowledge 2010” is to become conscius that whithout enhancing creativity and changing the old mechanical knowledge, the growing collapse of whole natural and enviromental resources, can become in short time a disaster for future living system.

First Phase; searching for partnership and supporters

  • Starting from the above mission the  EGOCREANET//LRE//ON-NS&A IDEA will be to develop the "Knowledge Project 2010 in  Science and Art” towards  searching for a new sharing method for building up  transdisciplinary knowledge to solve the problems of the transition from the industrial society to the future knowledge economy.(1)
  • The K-2010  knowledge  strategy will be organized for preparing people to understand the deep conceptual roots of the contemporary dangerous development, through a reflexive methodology, ( driven by   ICT  world wide interactivity ) for changing ideas and renewing knowledge both in contemporary art and science. (2)

  • The focus of this preliminary proposal on the theme "Knowledge Project 2010" (K-2010) is to facilitate people ability to share in ICT creative contents of knowledge & development, working  on a reflexive method  to  stimulate  new ideas in order to become capable of correlating Research and Enterprise in a new dimension of "post-industrial society focused on the progress of the "science of life". The contents of his action will be multidisciplinary and focused by a  deeply reflexion on the relationship between contemporary Science and  Art. (3)

  • In spite of this K-2010 endeavor, the present stage of technical development, and scientific and economic production, tends all over the world, to enhance the technology and its transfer most that improving science, with a result of promoting innovation as support of obsolete cognition,  rather than to favor the change of the existing reductionistic paradigm and to built up creatively a new world view, to overcome the narrow dimension of  mechanical science through an conscious “ think tank”  driven by the scientific imaginary coordinated with the contemporary artistic intuition. 

  • In particular, a section of the project called <K 2010 -Nutra-Science>, would integrate research in Nutrition (on the basis of recent findings Nutrigenomics science) with the innovation in manufacturing and food- Agriculture, aiming to improve the production of bio-active molecules, with an high nutraceutical value. (4) This section will take into account as food-science may become an expression of natural art,in different cultures, and how art could be considered a contribute to change scientific paradigms in nutrition and well being of life.

  • In this phase  of searching  partners, LRE/EGOCREANET proposes to join the K-2010 project idea for enhancing a fruitful "open science & art world -wide community” and improving international cooperation. For this scope we ask to share with any potential partner ideas and resources, and to put forward suggestions and to analyze these proposals together, aiming to find an effective development of  science and art  integration by the year 2010.

(3)- see preliminary dialog on facebook:

(4)- Nutra-Science:



Paolo Manzelli: nato a Terni il 25/06/1937, Chimico Fisico (Laurea: Firenze 1967), Studioso della Chimica del Cervello sulla base delle relazioni tra Energia, Materia ed Informazione. Direttore del Laboratorio di Ricerca Educativa del Dipartimento di Chimica della Università di Firenze,,, e Presidente della associazione telematica EGOCREANET;, ; ;