Numero 45 Registrazione al tribunale di Roma N° 3/2004 del 14/01/2004


- FOOD for BRAIN & BRAIN for FOOD: an ERA endeavour to stop Malnutrition in Africa-

Paolo Manzelli : ;

see below : NOTE on EU-call For Africa  -


  SEARCH FOR PARTNERS: FtoB//BtoF - EU Project fight against malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa

- Food and nutrition interventions in AFRICA play an important role in the global response to the sustainable future world wide development . The basic aim is to achieve an effective contribute to the Millennium Development Goals / 2015 to  ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY and to cut HUNGER and MALNUTRITION. -


Project Title: FOOD for BRAIN & BRAIN for FOOD:
(in achronim FtoB//BtoF ) an ERA endeavour to stop malnutrition in Africa.

Key Words: Brain, Food, Nutrition , Food-security , Africa development.
World Vision: Food and nutrition interventions in AFRICA play an important role in the global response to the sustainable future world wide development .



  • Malnutrition occur in people who are either undernourished or overnourished , therefore a good noutrishement in society is a fundamental a function of advance on  farm to fork KBBE projects.
  • Malnutrition is a  multifactorial complex and problematic issue and it will imperative to design a multidisciplinary research and innovation program to furnish some responses that are commensurate to understanding the complex social and ecological contexts in which malnutrition and hence infection  can occur both in  referring to the men bodies and minds diseases. .
  • Prevention of malnutrition is better than cure treatment, hence the early recognition of malnutrition is an important challenge. Focused on  developing  an EUROPE//AFRICA cooperation on the emerging category of Food for the Brain. Nutrigenomic's studies put in evidence that early nutrition can influence long term mental performance, cognitive development and behaviour. Nutrigenetics and food bio-technology afford new techniques that enrich nutrition science to aid in the fight against malnutrition.
  • The Project proposed by EGOCREANET and partners, would enhance the way forward the Brain Foods Development,  building up an open  alliance between Nutrigenomics research, Nutraceutical manufacturers, with the sustainment of government bodies and a large collaboration of world wide stakeholders. The main goal will be to begin a campaign for healthy food products for mental health benefits in order to overcome the dangerous effects of Malnutrition in Africa.

Project Objectives : Food for Brain & Brain for Food
AIM : Developing and Disseminating a "Communications and Guidance Program"
to Prevent Malnutrition and Food//Feed Security in AFRICA.

This aim  is driven by fitting the following goals :

A) Primarily the "FtoB//BtoF" will explore through observation studies on Malnutrition the possibility to enhance a cooperative research in Nutrigenomics for improving personalized dietary performances in the various ethnies in Africa in comparison to contemporary European nutritional problems and diseases.The endpoint of this action will have real and defined predictive value for bettering health for child and adult and endely population.
B) Secondarily the "FtoB//BtoF" would understand the role of specific Functional foods,Nutaceuticals and Micronutrients effects (omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate, iron and zinc etc..) on early programming in different genetic polymorphisms using functional genomic techniques to further explore the basis of nutrition in mental/body performance in future programming where early targeted interventions are vital for real life in Africa.
C) Thirdly the "FtoB//BtoF" would enhance the development of Agricultural product innovation in Africa favouring their creative management in relation to the deep changes in economic, business, competitive, strategic and regulatory factors for human health. This action would be based on development of Nutraceutical Products as is useful to reconsider oxidative stress and cancer risks through an equibrated intake of natual and nutraceutical  products , as in the case of the growth of "Flowers Food" and its world wide innovative role getting life-sustaining nutrients and in reducing undernutrition.
D) Fourthly the "FtoB//BtoF" will build up world wide research network among, agriculture, fisheries and animal production, to enhance food security and to improve nutritional well-being, and contributing toward eradicating hunger/poverty reduction in Africa through co-operating with the world wide strategy of the "Millennium Development Goal".


The knowledge is a baobab tree; one person can not 'embrace it. "Old African proverb".


Malnutrition is a transdisciplinary multifactorial complex issue ,connecting Science Industry and Policy for a healtier world


Preliminary approach on project feasibility : FP7-KBBE -CALL FOR AFRICA- Dead Line JAN/14/2009

AIMS: The problem of chronic undernutrition in Africa and its direct and indirect effects,are multi-faceted and integrated, and have deep roots in a multiplicity of factors as socio-economic, cultural, environmental, political, scientific, technological and educational factors. In this scenario, the immediate victims are children, especially those under 5 years of age. There seems to be a vicious cycle from  maternal and infant chronic  malnutrition. The Nutrigenomics scince and Nutraceutical  production can help the low agricultural food productivity in Africa,  favouring to overcome ill-health vicious circle that  make the situation serious and chronic diseases. It means that the structures which bring about this problem need critical re-evaluation, particularly in terms of  advancement in nutrigenomics science and nutraceutical production in addition to an increased agricultural quality of food productivity, both in quantity and quality, to enrich a normal nutritional status in Africa.

    • The project "FtoB//BtoF" would identify the problem of dietary malnutrition (and under-nutrition) especialy in relation to young children and infants in all partner's African states analysing issues and literature related to "child care nutrition” both for  brain damages and body health.
    • Solution to cut malnutrition in Africa will be discussed among "FtoB//BtoF" partners  to share ideas for innovative  Nutrageceutical addition for bettering diets which includes increasing essential metabolites and micronutrients ( vitamins, iron, and zinc and other ingredients ).
    • ) Understanding how bio-nutrient  factors  can  overcome the lacking or deficient  nutritional sources in the diets in Africa , besides the project  "FtoB//BtoF" will identify children-at-risk for malnutrition and target them for improving innovative production of the quality and security of food .
    • The Project "FtoB//BtoF" would focuses  the association of malnutrition in relation to the more advanced Nutrigenomics science  to favour a development of new criteria of nutrition and diets couseling, for specific different ethnies .
    • The solutions of malnutrition proposed by the project "FtoB//BtoF will include  perspectives towards sustainable agriculture for developing sub-saharian African countries within particular attention to the innovative options coming from life sciences and biotechnologies.
    • Since malnourished children are at higher risk the project "FtoB//BtoF would propose short-term interventions  getting , as expected results, A) setting in each national partnershi'ps context, appropriated  nutitional dietary paedriatic guidelines , B) enhancing nutrition education: about prevention and treatment of infections, food supplementation etc..,C)  enhancing prevention conditions to bacterial contamination in food and animal feed security , D) favour  agricultural practices for long-term interventions in order to include improvement in the economic and environmental conditions through an better cooperation between Europe //Africa.

    NOTE : Call For Africa : KBBE.2010.2.2-03: EU Activity 2.2 Fork to farm: Food (including seafood), health and well being. : Theme: Identifying research needs on malnutrition in Africa - (Mandatory Africa).
    Info to : <> Funding Scheme Coordination and Support Actions (CSA-CA and CSA-SA) up to EUR 1 000 000 Maximum one proposal can be selected for this topic.

    Participation of Relevant Industrial Food Partners is requeted Minimun partnerchip : 3 EU partners + 3 from different ( ICPC)  from African ACP countries and African Mediterranean Partner Countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Egypt)


    Real life about malnutrition in Africa :

    Scene of  starving children in the third world , eating with a lack of proteins and vitamins , their bellies distended from kwashiorkor and thus abnolmally large , fat out proportion to their bony, arms and legs,